This is a closed workshop designed for SESYNC Postdoctoral Fellows.
The Immersion Program centers around a series of collaborative workshops led by Immersion Distinguished Scholars. These workshops are designed to immerse participants in theories and methods foundational to understanding current environmental challenges and their underlying socio-environmental systems.
Workshop agenda available here:

Doug Lipton
Dr. Doug Lipton is the Senior Research Scientist for Economics at NOAA Fisheries. In this role, he provides leadership and guidance to the economic and social science enterprise across the agency. In this role, he advises NOAA senior leadership on the conduct and interpretation of economic and social science analyses that impact agency policies. Areas of interest include commercial fisheries analysis, recreational fisheries economics, non-market valuation of marine resources, and aquaculture economics.
Most of his research and extension work has focused on valuation of benefits related to...

Doug Lipton
Dr. Doug Lipton is the Senior Research Scientist for Economics at NOAA Fisheries. In this role, he provides leadership and guidance to the economic and social science enterprise across the agency. In this role, he advises NOAA senior leadership on the conduct and interpretation of economic and social science analyses that impact agency policies. Areas of interest include commercial fisheries analysis, recreational fisheries economics, non-market valuation of marine resources, and aquaculture economics.
Most of his research and extension work has focused on valuation of benefits related to improvements in water quality and the economics of ecosystem-based fisheries management with specific application to the Chesapeake Bay. His current focus is on integrating economics with ecosystem-based fisheries modeling approaches. He has conducted local and international research on the economics of finfish and shellfish aquaculture in extensive, intensive, and multi-trophic production systems. Lipton, until recently, was a member of the Mid-Atlantic Fisheries Management Council, Scientific and Statistical Committee. He is currently a member of the Executive Board of the International Institute for Fisheries Economics and Trade, Board Member of the Marine Resource Economics Foundation and Board Member of the Maryland Agricultural and Resource Based Industries Development Corporation.

Laurie C. Alexander
Dr. Laurie Alexander is an entomologist and aquatic ecologist at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA’s) Office of Research and Development in Washington, D.C. Her research on surface water dynamics and the watershed-scale functions of small or temporary streams and wetlands supports science-based environmental policy-making at EPA. She holds a PhD from the University of Maryland in College Park and a MS from the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD

Laurie C. Alexander
Dr. Laurie Alexander is an entomologist and aquatic ecologist at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA’s) Office of Research and Development in Washington, D.C. Her research on surface water dynamics and the watershed-scale functions of small or temporary streams and wetlands supports science-based environmental policy-making at EPA. She holds a PhD from the University of Maryland in College Park and a MS from the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD

Joanna Goger
Joanna Goger is a Senior Lecturer in the Environmental Science & Policy Program (ENSP) at the University of Maryland College Park. She teaches a large introductory lecture course, Introduction to Environmental Policy, and two upper-level courses, Introduction to Environmental Law, and the Capstone in Environmental Science and Policy. In addition to teaching, she advises students on environmental internships, Honors research, and careers in policy and law. She also currently serves as Co-Director of the Sustainability Studies Minor and she mentors the E-JUSTICE Gemstone Honors Research team.
Joanna Goger
Joanna Goger is a Senior Lecturer in the Environmental Science & Policy Program (ENSP) at the University of Maryland College Park. She teaches a large introductory lecture course, Introduction to Environmental Policy, and two upper-level courses, Introduction to Environmental Law, and the Capstone in Environmental Science and Policy. In addition to teaching, she advises students on environmental internships, Honors research, and careers in policy and law. She also currently serves as Co-Director of the Sustainability Studies Minor and she mentors the E-JUSTICE Gemstone Honors Research team.
Prior to her teaching career, Joanna was a trial attorney in the Environment and Natural Resources Division of the U.S. Department of Justice. While there, she litigated cases involving the Florida Everglades and the Klamath River Basin in Oregon, which continue to provide interesting case studies in her courses. She also completed a clerkship for U.S. District Judge Frederic N. Smalkin of the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland.
Joanna received her BA in History from Duke University and her JD from the University of Maryland School of Law, where she concentrated in Environmental Law.