Most field studies on Cimex lectularius are conducted in residential or hospitality industrial settings. Cimex lectularius infestations in office settings are reported, but are rarely studied. An office environment (~875 m2) consisting of 105 cubicles or pod-seating areas with persistent C. lectularius sightings over a 2-year period was evaluated for 90 days through intensive trapping to determine C. lectularius distribution and to eliminate the infestation. The study area was partially occupied during the study period. Two treatments of amorphous silica dust (112.5 g dust in total) were applied 29 and 57 days after the first day of monitoring. A total of 32 C. lectularius were captured by interceptors over a period of 55 days. Dry ice traps captured eight additional C. lectularius. Visual inspections identified one chair with live C. lectularius and eggs. The infestation was eliminated on 69 days after initial installation of interceptors. Spatial analysis using Ripley’s K and L functions showed a high level of aggregation up to a 15-meter scale. Dispersal of C. lectularius in office settings was limited. Intensive trapping plus limited insecticide dust treatments effectively detected and eliminated C. lectularius.
A case study of Cimex lectularius L. (Hemiptera: Cimicidae) infestations in an office environment
Publication Type
Journal Article
Journal of Economic Entomology
Daniel Schneider
Michael Levy
Article published in Journal of the American Planning Association
Article published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences