Data-Driven Drought Effect Estimation

Full Title

The ecological and economic impacts of drought: empirical evidence from the United States


This project will estimate the impact of drought on ecological health and economic production using novel, high-resolution datasets of drought distribution, duration and intensity. We will identify variables that mitigate the damages from drought, focusing on those that policy-makers and communities can leverage to increase economic and environmental resilience to drought. To estimate the damages from drought and identify variables that decrease drought vulnerability, we will apply a mix of machine learning and econometric techniques that precisely estimate these causal effects and determinants of effect heterogeneity. 

Project Type
Team Synthesis Project (Graduate Student Led)
Principal Investigators
Emily Burchfield, Vanderbilt University
John Nay, Vanderbilt University
Jonathan Proctor, University of California, Berkeley
Rui Zhu, UC Santa Barbara
Maximilian Stiefel, UC Santa Barbara
Christopher Krapu, Duke University
Danielle Touma, Stanford University