Evaluating Trade-Offs

Full Title

Incorporating values and assessing social and environmental trade-offs in managing for ecosystem services


Ecosystems services—the benefits that natural ecosystems provide to society—are increasingly the focus of land management decisions. Critical for these decisions is the consideration of social values; for example, how do stakeholders value ecological performance? How do they value one service relative to another? Are the ecosystem service benefits equitable?

Because communities, local and national regulators, and federal agencies will all bring different priorities and values to management decisions, standard approaches for incorporating social values into management and policy decisions, and for evaluating ecological verses social trade‐offs of these decision need to be developed. This Pursuit will convene a working group to address this issue, and the results will be synthesized into a set of ‘best practices’ guidelines. These guidelines then be made available to partners in governmental and nongovernmental agencies.

Project Type
Team Synthesis Project
Principal Investigators
Lydia Olander, Duke University
Dean Urban, Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University
Geoffrey Buckley, Ohio University
Clyde Casey, US Geological Survey
Janet Cushing, US Army Corps of Engineers
Daniel Hellerstein, US Economic Research Service
Tom Holmes, US Forest Service
Christy Ihlo, Duke University
Robert Johnston, Clark University
Lynn Maguire, Duke University
Edward Maillett, US Fish and Wildlife Service
Evan Mercer, US Forest Service
Timon McPhearson, The New School
Anne Neale, US Environmental Protection Agency
Michael Papenfus, US Environmental Protection Agency
Trista Patterson, US Forest Service
Mark Plummer, NOAA
Morgan Robertson, University of Wisconsin, Madison
David Saah, Spatial Informatics Group, LLC
Emily Schieffer, Duke University
Ben Sherrouse, US Geological Survey
Samantha Sifleet, US Environmental Protection Agency
Tibor Vegh, Duke University
Lisa Wainger, University of Maryland
Peter Wiley, NOAA