What resources are available?

SESYNC has an extensive set of computing resources and expertise available for researchers. Download a high-level overview of all services and support that SESYNC offers for general information or scan the tables below for a quick reference. Direct all questions to cyberhelp@sesync.org

Resources URL
Code Repository https://sesync-ci.github.io/quickstart/creating-a-new-git-project.html
Research Data Directory https://sesync-ci.github.io/quickstart/research-data-directory.html
R Studio https://sesync-ci.github.io/quickstart/rstudio-server.html
Jupyter https://sesync-ci.github.io/quickstart/jupyter-server.html
Shiny Apps https://shiny.sesync.org/
SSH Gateway <USERNAME>@ssh.sesync.org
MySQL/PostgreSQL Database https://sesync-ci.github.io/quickstart/connect-to-a-database.html
Remote Desktop https://desktop.sesync.org/
Service Description
Custom Virtual Machine Single purpose Windows or Linux virtual machine with shared account.
Enterprise Conferencing ZOOM video for meetings with and presentation sharing 
Software Purchasing Licenses for MATLAB, Stata, ArcGIS, MaxQDA, NVIVO, and additional software can be purchased on request.
Reference Management Zotero groups with unlimited storage.
Slurm Cluster High-performance computing cluster for running parallel jobs. Integrated with R through the rslurm package.

