Get to Know Our Resource Types

A woman standing in front of a board with a graphic in front of a group of seated people

SESYNC’s collection of open-access resources is for anyone interested in learning, teaching or researching about socio-environmental (S-E) systems and sustainability. Our resources come in a variety of formats; learn more about each of them below to find which ones are right for you and your goals.

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SESYNC Explainers are brief, informal articles that summarize a SESYNC or S-E-related topic, concept, or methodology. Explainers are ideal for those who are new to a subject and are seeking a brief, non-technical introduction. Examples include:

Case Studies
SESYNC Case Studies use real-world examples of S-E problems to illustrate the synthesis research process. Each case study provides information about the case itself, detailed teaching notes, and student-activity materials, while focusing on learning goals that are critical for understanding and practicing S-E synthesis. Examples include:

Learning Materials
SESYNC Learning Materials provide a more advanced, in-depth exploration of S-E topics and approaches using various media. They include videos, audio interviews, slides, and more. Learning materials are ideal for both individual and group instruction, as well as self-taught learners who are interested in broadening their understanding of more specific S-E topics. Examples include:

SESYNC Lessons provide structured content for educators to use in classroom or workshop instruction using timely, relevant S-E examples. They are suitable for undergraduates and above. Lessons include an overview of the topic, learning objectives, key concepts/topics, and background information for the instructor. They also provide activities for engaging learners;  assignments; and supplemental materials for educators, including videos, articles, slides, etc. Examples include:

Data Lessons/Guides
SESYNC Data Lessons/Guides convey the wisdom of SESYNC’s data scientists to help researchers use their data more effectively. Examples include:
