Land & Human Dynamics
Land & Human Dynamics
Find research on how and why humans change terrestrial ecosystems for their benefit and when/how this change results in positive or negative social and ecological consequences
291 Results For: Land & Human Dynamics
Financial Opacity and Forest Governance
Jonathan Sullivan
Alice LĂ©pissier
NEON Airborne Observation Platform Workshop
Nutrients and Non-Farmers
David Kanter
Zdravka Tzankova
Rachel Mason
Postdoctoral Fellow
Ryan R. Unks
Postdoctoral Fellow
Linking Microscale Processes with the Macro World: Microbes & Moisture through the Soil Profile
Joshua Schimel
Immersion Workshop: Ecology
Matthew C. Fitzpatrick
Heather Lynch
Claudio Gratton
Regrowing forests contribution to law compliance and carbon storage in private properties of the Brazilian Amazon
Article published in Land Use Policy
Does crop diversity at the village level influence child nutrition security? Evidence from 11 sub-Saharan African countries
Article published in Population and Environment
Residential household yard care practices along urban-exurban gradients in six climatically-diverse U.S. metropolitan areas
Article published in PLOS ONE