Dr. Bianca Lopez is an Associate Editor for Science, from AAAS in Washington, D.C. Bianca is trained as an ecologist whose interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research has focused on: 1) urban ecosystems, including the effects of urbanization on biodiversity and people’s use and perceptions of urban green spaces; and 2) the spread and impacts of invasive species with climate change. She is currently a postdoctoral fellow at University of Massachusetts, Amherst and the Northeast Climate Adaptation Science Center. Bianca has a BS in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from the University of Connecticut and a PhD in Ecology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. After her SESYNC fellowship, Bianca worked as a postdoctoral fellow in the Urban Systems Lab and the Environmental Studies Department at the New School, where she taught a course on urban ecosystems. She has also co-led a workshop at SESYNC on evaluating the impacts of environmentally themed public art, which brought together natural and social scientists, artists, and art funders.
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