Dr. Elizabeth Daut is a Natural Resources Officer in the Forestry and Biodiversity Office at the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). Elizabeth started at USAID as an American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Science & Technology Policy Fellow, and she continues to work in global biodiversity conservation, including developing integrated, cross-sectoral One Health approaches and combating wildlife trafficking and other conservation crimes. She is co-coordinator of a private-sector partnership opportunity called Health, Ecosystems and Agriculture for Resilient, Thriving Societies (HEARTH) designed to co-develop transformative and integrated solutions to benefit high-biodiversity landscapes and the communities dependent on those landscapes. Elizabeth is experienced in international non-profit management having started an environmental non-governmental organization—while serving as a Peace Corps volunteer—in Ecuador, where she remained for almost 10 years. Prior to joining USAID, Elizabeth completed a postdoctoral research fellowship at SESYNC, where she investigated the risk of introducing infectious pathogens through global wildlife trade. Elizabeth has a PhD in Veterinary Pathobiology and Applied Biodiversity Science from Texas A&M University and a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree from Cornell University.