Dr. Madhusudanm “Madhu” Katti is an associate professor in the Department of Forestry and Environmental Science at North Carolina State University. Madhu studies animals and plants in cities with the goal of applying an understanding toward reconciling biodiversity conservation with human development. His research also focuses on the behavioral effects of humans on other species—for example the effects of urban noise on birdsong. Trained as an evolutionary ecologist, Madhu leads the multidisciplinary Urban Long-Term Research Area–Fresno and Clovis Ecosocial Study project, studying the interactions between water policy, human water use, and urban biodiversity in California’s Central Valley. He serves on the steering committee of UrBioNet, is active on the Science Advisory Board of Desert Biodiversity, the Advisory Board of Current Conservation, and the Editorial Boards of the journals Urban Naturalist, Citizen Science: Theory and Practice, and Indian Birds. Madhu served as a member of SESYNC’s Scientific Review Committee.
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