Linking S-E Science to S-E Change

Full Title

Linking socio-environmental science to socio-environmental change


Largely missing from the literature on linking knowledge to action is an empirically and conceptually rich understanding of how social and environmental change occurs. Furthermore, there are considerable epistemic, ontological and institutional barriers to conducting such integrative and solutions-oriented research. The proposed workshop will address the following issues in order to spur SESYNC initiatives and research in the socio-environmental sciences, more broadly, that is oriented toward generating more sustainable outcomes: (1) development of a rigorous interdisciplinary research agenda for exploring how socio-environmental science can contribute to actions that lead to more sustainable outcomes; (2) examine the epistemic, ontological, and institutional barriers to constructing such an agenda; and, (3) explore how research and education efforts—in our respective fields, through new collaborations and at SESYNC—that might overcome these barriers can be encouraged.

Project Type
Team Synthesis Project
Principal Investigators
Thaddeus Miller, Institute for Sustainable Solutions, Portland State University
Dave Abson, Leuphana University
Sarah Burch, University of British Columbia
Hallie Eakin
Niki Frantzeskaki, Erasmus University
David Hart, University of Maine
Maria Ivanova, University of Massachusetts - Boston
Anne Jerneck, Lund University
Myanna Lahsen, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais
Shannon McNeeley, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Thad Miller, Portland State University
Tischa Munoz-Erickson, National Forest Service
Adam Parris, NOAA
Robin Reid, Colorado State University
Blake Robinson, Stellenbosch University
Daniel Sarewitz, Arizona State University
Andy Stirling, University of Sussex
Jessica Marx, SESYNC

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