Dr. Kathleen C Weathers is a Senior Scientist at the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Science in Millbrook, New York. Kathy studies ecosystem processes within and among aquatic, airborne, and terrestrial systems. As Co-Chair of the Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network (GLEON)—a worldwide grassroots collaboration of 800 research partners studying 150 lakes in 53 countries—Kathy guided GLEON from its infancy to adulthood. The aim of GLEON is to understand, predict, and communicate lakes’ response to environmental change using data from lake-based sensors. This work encompasses impacts from human activities such as road salting, agriculture, and climate change. Kathy and her colleagues also created a new model for collaborative research that explicitly empowers early-career scientists. In addition to her GLEON research, Kathy is an expert on fog, which carries nutrients, pollutants, and sometimes disease-causing pathogens. With her students, Kathy is also studying the effects of mineral dust and black carbon—both of which impact ecosystems and human health. Mineral dust can deliver toxic pollutants to ecosystems and is a growing concern as climate change exacerbates drought. Kathy completed her PhD from Rutgers University. Kathy played a pivotal role as Chair of SESYNC’s External Advisory Board for three years and as a Board member for two additional years.
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