Land & Human Dynamics
Land & Human Dynamics
Find research on how and why humans change terrestrial ecosystems for their benefit and when/how this change results in positive or negative social and ecological consequences
291 Results For: Land & Human Dynamics
Data visualization from: Vijay et al. Deforestation risks posed by oil palm expansion in the Peruvian Amazon. Environmental Research Letters. 2018 13 114010
Andrew J. Elmore
Senior Scholar
Linking models of human behaviour and climate alters projected climate change
Article published in Nature Climate Change
The global water grabbing syndrome
Article published in Ecological Economics
From salamanders to greenhouse gases: does upland management affect wetland functions?
Article published in Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment
Upstream watershed condition predicts rural children's health across 35 developing countries
Article published in Nature Communications
Applying a cultural multilevel selection framework to the adoption of sustainable management practices in California viticulture
Article published in Sustainability Science
Toward the Abolitionist Commons: Abolition Ecology and the Racialized Politics of Property
Nik Heynen
Recognizing the ‘sparsely settled forest': Multi-decade socioecological change dynamics and community exemplars
Article published in Landscape and Urban Planning
Evolving the Anthropocene: linking multi-level selection with long-term social–ecological change
Article published in Sustainability Science