Dr. Steven Alexander is a Science Advisor at Fisheries and Oceans Canada and an Adjunct Assistant Professor with the Faculty of Environment at the University of Waterloo. Prior to his current position, he was a Mitacs Canadian Science Policy Fellow. At SESYNC, Steven was a postdoctoral research fellow dually affiliated with the Stockholm Resilience Centre. As an environmental social scientist, Steven focuses his research on community-based conservation and natural resource management, environmental governance, and the human dimensions of environmental change. At SESYNC, Steven was involved in a number of research projects. His postdoctoral project, Social-Ecological Networks, employed a suite of network analysis and modeling methods to understand the relationship between diverse governance arrangements, managed ecosystems, and natural resource management outcomes. Steven also co-led a graduate project, Governance and Surprise, which examined how governance can better account for and accommodate surprise in social-ecological systems. In addition, he co-led an initiative at SESYNC focused on qualitative data sharing. Steven received his PhD in Social and Ecological Sustainability from the University of Waterloo in 2015 where he was affiliated with the Environmental Change and Governance Group. He also holds a MS in Science Education from Montana State University - Bozeman. However, it was a BS in Geology from St. Lawrence University, a small liberal arts college in northern New York, and a semester abroad in East Africa studying conservation and development that provided Steven with the foundation needed for considering the complexities of human-environment interactions and bridging the natural and social sciences together.
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