Built Environment
Built Environment
Examine research focused on human-made systems in which complex dynamics unfold that both reflect and determine social and environmental outcomes such as health, access to resources, and biodiversity
229 Results For: Built Environment
Modeling Drought Impacts
Socioeconomic drivers of urban pest prevalence
Article published in People and Nature
Future distribution of invasive weed species across the major road network in the state of Montana, USA
Article published in Regional Environmental Change
Characterizing disproportionality in facility-level toxic releases in US manufacturing, 1998–2012
Article published in Environmental Research Letters
Insights into human-wildlife interactions in cities from bird sightings recorded online
Article published in Landscape and Urban Planning
The worldwide impact of urbanisation on avian functional diversity
Article published in Ecology Letters
Placing volunteered geographic health information: Socio-spatial bias in 311 bed bug report data for New York City
Article published in Health and Place
Know your watershed and know your neighbor: Paths to supporting urban watershed conservation and restoration in Baltimore, MD and Phoenix, AZ
Article published in Landscape and Urban Planning
The greenspace-academic performance link varies by remote sensing measure and urbanicity around Maryland public schools
Article published in Landscape and Urban Planning