Food Systems & the Environment
Food Systems & the Environment
Discover research encompassing all ecological processes, products, and outcomes associated with human activities involved in feeding populations.
200 Results For: Food Systems & the Environment
Inequality or injustice in water use for food?
Article published in Environmental Research Letters
His Lips Drink Water But His Heart Drinks Wine: Groundwater Availability, Access, and Governance in the Guadalupe Valley, Mexico
Using System Maps to Analyze Complex Social-Environmental Issues: A Case Study of Geoduck Aquaculture in the Puget Sound
Multi-'steak' holder Sustainability: Reduced Deforestation and the Cattle Agreement in Brazil
Global Fishery Collapse
Christopher Golden
Douglas McCauley
Kristal Jones
Principle Researcher, JG Research and Evaluation, Bozeman, MT, and Assistant Research Scientist, SESYNC