Land & Human Dynamics
Land & Human Dynamics
Find research on how and why humans change terrestrial ecosystems for their benefit and when/how this change results in positive or negative social and ecological consequences
291 Results For: Land & Human Dynamics
The water-land-food nexus of first-generation biofuels
Article published in Scientific Reports
Tropical Reforestation
Robin Chazdon
Arun Agrawal
“If you study, the last thing you want to be is working under the sun:” An analysis of perceptions of agricultural education and occupations in four countries
Article published in Agriculture and Human Values
Meta-studies in land use science: Current coverage and prospects
Article published in Ambio
The role of unpaved roads as active source areas of precipitation excess in small watersheds drained by ephemeral streams in the Northeastern Caribbean
Article published in Journal of Hydrology
Social science/natural science perspectives on wildfire and climate change
Article published in Geography Compass
Dean Hardy
Postdoctoral Fellow
Heather Randell
Postdoctoral Fellow
Ginger Allington
Postdoctoral Fellow
Linking ‘toxic outliers' to environmental justice communities
Article published in Environmental Research Letters