Land & Human Dynamics
Land & Human Dynamics
Find research on how and why humans change terrestrial ecosystems for their benefit and when/how this change results in positive or negative social and ecological consequences
291 Results For: Land & Human Dynamics
Seminar: The Global Water Grab Syndrome
Seminar: The Age of Discovery: New Forms of Knowledge for Rural Development in Mozambique
Seminar: A Two-Way Road: Integrating Science & Community Engagement to Protect Water Quality & Build Resiliency in a Rural Mountain Environment
From meta-studies to modeling: Using synthesis knowledge to build broadly applicable process-based land change models
Article published in Environmental Modelling & Software
Seminar: Land Change Modeling as Socio-Environmental Synthesis
Dust-rainfall feedback in West African Sahel
Article published in Geophysical Research Letters
Model-based synthesis of locally contingent responses to global market signals
Article published in Land
Accelerated deforestation driven by large-scale land acquisitions in Cambodia
Article published in Nature Geoscience
Global Knowledge Gaps
Erle Ellis
A model of the socio-hydrologic dynamics in a semiarid catchment: Isolating feedbacks in the coupled human-hydrology system
Article published in Water Resources Research