Land & Human Dynamics
Land & Human Dynamics
Find research on how and why humans change terrestrial ecosystems for their benefit and when/how this change results in positive or negative social and ecological consequences
291 Results For: Land & Human Dynamics
Synthesis in land change science: methodological patterns, challenges, and guidelines
Article published in Regional Environmental Change
Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time: North American Beavers in Tierra del Fuego
Green Civil War in the California Desert: The Ocotillo Express Wind Energy Project
Multi-'steak' holder Sustainability: Reduced Deforestation and the Cattle Agreement in Brazil
Wildland Fire, Human Perspectives, and Fire Management in Jackson Hole, Wyoming
Go-Back Land: Restoring Abandoned Farmland and Sustaining Farm Towns
Joseph Maher
Postdoctoral Fellow
André Gustavo Nave
Visiting Scholar in Residence
Paolo D'Odorico
Visiting Scholar in Residence